lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

English Books (7): Music

¿No os encantan los libros o películas que giran entorno a la música? Bueno, a mí sí y por eso un día me puse a buscar ese tipo de libros. Aquí va lo que encontré (o una parte de ello).

Five Flavors of Dumb _ Antony John

Piper is a seventeen-year-old high school senior, and she's just been challenged to get her school's super-popular rock band, Dumb, a paying gig. The catch? Piper is deaf. Can she manage a band with five wildly different musicians, nurture a budding romance, and discover her own inner rock star, though she can't hear Dumb's music?

Amplified _ Tara Kelly

When privileged 17-year-old Jasmine gets kicked out of her house, she takes what is left of her savings and flees to Santa Cruz to pursue her dream of becoming a musician. Jasmine finds the ideal room in an oceanfront house, but she needs to convince the three guys living there that she's the perfect roommate and lead guitarist for their band, C-Side. Too bad she has major stage fright and the cute bassist doesn't think a spoiled girl from over the hill can hack it. . . .

Harmonic Feedback _ Tara Kelly

Sixteen-year-old, music- and sound design-obsessed Drea doesn't have friends. She has, as she's often reminded, "issues." Drea's mom and a rotating band of psychiatrists have settled on "a touch of Asperger's."Having just moved to the latest in a string of new towns, Drea meets two other outsiders. And Naomi and Justin seem to actually "like" Drea. The three of them form a band after an impromptu, Portishead-comparison-worthy jam after school. Justin swiftly challenges not only Drea's preference for Poe over Black Lab but also her perceived inability to connect with another person. Justin, against all odds, may even "like" like Drea. It's obvious that Drea can't hide behind her sound equipment anymore. But just when she's found not one but two true friends, can she stand to lose one of them?

¿Os gusta este tipo de historias? ¿Os llaman la atención? ¿Habéis leído alguno?

5 luner@s:

S a n d r a dijo... [Responder]

A mí sí que me interesan este tipo de historias. No es que espere mucho de ellas, pero me gusta leerlas como algo ligero para pasar un buen rato.

El único de los libros que enseñas
y me he leído es Amplified. Me gustó pero el final me pareció muy sin más.

Los otros dos no los conocía, aunque investigaré un poco sobre ellos =)

Un besito! ♥

Lesincele dijo... [Responder]

NO me disgusta la temática pero al ser en inglé me atrevo jeje
Un beso!

Joe Drafts dijo... [Responder]

Tenemos que investigar el libro de Pitch Perfect, que yo lo necesito. XDDD

Ali dijo... [Responder]

La verdad que es una temática que no he leído nunca, pero bueno tiene buena pinta.

Un besiño

Aineric dijo... [Responder]

¿Por qué me haces esto, mala persona? ¡Que ya tengo miles de libros pendientes en inglés! T____T